Hello, Stephanie!
If you have not already contacted Student CARE directly, please call 1-888-427-1000 to request a program change. One of the representatives will be happy to assist you.
Best Wishes
Kris Boylan
Community Service Rep
Hello, Stephanie!
If you have not already contacted Student CARE directly, please call 1-888-427-1000 to request a program change. One of the representatives will be happy to assist you.
Best Wishes
Kris Boylan
Community Service Rep
Hello, Katey!
t typically takes 5-7 working days for an assignment to be graded.
Best Wishes!
Kris Boylan
Community Service Rep
This is good to know for everyone. Thank you!
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When you pay in full and you take someone's money, you should provide the service - if I loose this job opportunity because I need to wait 3 days, PF is not the school I thought it was.
Hi Candysweets - you should be able to find your proof of enrollment letter in your student portal under electronic forms. Good Luck.
Are all your grades posted and courses closed out? I understand it takes time to send a letter and if you explain the situation to the potential employer they may be understanding. Employers do background checks prior to employment but they don't get have all the education verification immediately. Even when you provide paper proof they may verify on their own since documents can be obtained that are not authentic. Good luck!
Hi, I have already asked about this in the main High School forum but realized I may get an answer more quickly here. Over this past weekend my enrollment agreement was sent in. Since it is now Thursday I was wondering how long it usually takes for the school to receive it. On my student portal it still has the notification saying that it has been sent to me. I am ready to move on to the American History course and I have requested physical textbooks and they have not been sent out yet due to my enrollment agreement having not been received. Thanks!
The notification that said that my enrollment agreement has been sent has now disappeared which I assume means that it has been received and my textbook will be shipped soon.
Hello, Jeannine:
Our Student CARE department will be sending a general letter to you by email confirming that you have completed the academic portion of your program.
Have a great day!
Kristine Boylan
Community Support Rep
Hello, Colleen!
If you are enrolled in a degree program, and have successfully passed your final exams, you would earn those credits from Penn Foster, even if you do not decide to continue to the next semester.
If a student is enrolled in a diploma program, they may be able to carry over some of their lessons to another diploma program, and receive credit for those completed lessons. In this scenario, the student's account will be reviewed to determine credit transfer eligibility into a new program. The new account will then be adjusted accordingly to reflect any credit that is carried over. I hope this is helpful.
Have a great day!
Kris Boylan
Community Service Rep
Hi, I was wondering if on the student portal there is a way to see if the textbooks have been shipped or not?
Thanks Kris - this whole process has been frustrating to say the least and I truly appreciate your efforts.
Enjoy the rest of your day
Hello, yes there is actually a way to see if a textbook has been shipped out.On your homepage to the right of program status, there's a box that says WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO.The fourth choice is view shipments.Click on that and it will tell you if anything is or will be shipping out.I just had my history book shipped to me, it took 2 days to get to me.I live on the east coast so depending on where you live depends on how fast you'll get your shipment.I believe that PF automatically knows when your textbooks need to be shipped out.I was on my second to last lesson exam when they were preparing the textbook for the course I needed it for.So you should be straight hope this helped.
This morning I went onto my student portal and they are preparing my shipment for my American History textbook. Thanks for all the help!!
I requested physical textbooks as well. If you are in the high school program the only classes that have textbooks are American History, Literature, World Geography, Earth Science and Biology. The rest of the classes you just use the study units by themselves. On your Program & Courses page it should say if something is in the process of being shipped or not. If your not in the High school program I would contact Student Care directly on the phone to get your situation figured out. Hope this helps!!
do anyone remember how long it took for their books about the simcharts arrive? im on the electronic medical records part
Hi sf4225! RazaH is right! If a student doesn't fail the essay exam, a retake option isn't available. For written exams, such as projects, essays, etc, when a student gets a failing grade, they are obligated to retake the exam before they can complete the program. However, the highest grade possible on the retake is a 65 for high school and career diploma programs. Hope this helps! Please review the Optional Retake F.A.Q.
What is the grading scale for medical coding and billing?
We will have a letter of enrollment emailed to you.
Greetings - I am looking for an email address for the HS administration, not student care, I need to send an email to someone who actually makes decisions. Can anyone help?