I'm sorry to hear that you are having troubles with this class. I'm in my 3rd semester now and had the same issues. The 1st semester flew by and I was moving along quickly in the 2nd semester until the English Comp class. It felt like forever to finish it.
Some tips if you would like:
Take advantage of the online resources and the tutoring services. I submitted my papers to them before turning in to be graded. You will receive very good advise rather quickly.
Free write - - a lot. I was stuck in prewriting and just started to write things like "This is where my thesis will go. This sentence will show why I think that. Why would that be important? Not sure yet but let's mention the quote from so-and-so here.". If nothing else, it helps to build an outline of what you think you want to say and where.
While you are waiting for essays to be graded, look ahead to the next class. Start to read the study guide and take some notes. This will give your brain a break and, when English Comp is done, you will be a step ahead.
Hang in there & don't give up!